Mental health and HIV: How PrEP supports both in Pittsburgh, PA.

“Mind over matter” is a phrase many of us have come to see as reductive and inaccurate when it comes to LGBTQ health -- but when we’re talking about HIV, the mind matters more than some people may think. Mental health and HIV are intrinsically linked, and whether you’re currently living with HIV or you’re at a high risk of infection, mental healthcare is an important part of staying safe and happy in all the ways you deserve to be.

The team at PrEP2Me wants everyone we treat to be well-educated on all aspects of HIV healthcare that affect them, including the correlation between HIV and mental health. Here’s how the two are connected and how addressing them both is important to a comprehensive healthcare plan:

What is HIV?

HIV, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, weakens the immune system and can lead to infections and diseases. It is primarily transmitted through sexual intercourse. This virus attacks and destroys immune cells, compromising the body's ability to fight off infections. Practicing safe sex and getting tested regularly is important for preventing transmission and ensuring timely diagnosis and treatment.

It is important to note that there is currently no cure for HIV. However, antiretroviral therapy (ART) can effectively manage the virus and prevent its progression.

What is Mental Health?

Mental health refers to the overall well-being of an individual's emotional, psychological, and social state. It affects how we think, feel, and behave and influences our ability to handle stress, function in daily life, and maintain relationships.

Individuals living with HIV are at an increased risk of developing mood, anxiety, and cognitive disorders. One prominent mental health condition that affects people with HIV is depression. It is crucial to recognize that mental disorders can be effectively treated. Recovery is achievable, and individuals with mental health issues have the potential to regain their well-being and lead fulfilling lives.

Are People With HIV At Risk For Mental Health Conditions?

Even though HIV outcomes are better than ever, no one is going to downplay the initial seriousness of receiving a positive test result. HIV remains a life-threatening illness, and when paired with negative social stigma and systemic obstacles to accessing the resources you need, the experience of being diagnosed can quickly become lonely, scary, and dark. 

This being the case, it comes as no surprise that HIV-positive individuals are at an increased risk for a number of mental health struggles, especially depression. There’s also a correlation between groups who are more likely to be diagnosed with HIV and groups who are already at risk for mental illness, including transgender people, cisgender MSM (men who have sex with men), and those who use intravenous drugs

Can Mental Health Conditions Increase The Risk Of HIV?

Even if you’re not HIV positive, learning about the correlation between mental health and HIV is important and relevant to you. If you’re currently living with untreated depression, anxiety, or a mood disorder (which includes bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and ADHD, among others), your risk of HIV infection is significantly higher than that of someone who is neurotypical or even someone who is currently receiving mental health treatment. 

The reason for this has nothing to do with you being “wrong” or having a “bad brain.” Mental illness is hard to live with, and when it comes from inside of you, it can feel like your options for relief are minimal. With this mindset, many people turn to high-risk activities such as opioid use and high-risk sex in order to escape. Mental illness is also linked to systemic factors that can increase your risk for HIV, including poverty, food insecurity, and abuse.

How Can People With HIV Improve Their Mental Health?

Living with HIV can pose unique mental health challenges. Here are some strategies that can help improve the mental health of people with HIV.

  • Adherence to HIV Treatment

  • Manage Medication Interactions

  • Stay Physically Active

  • Join a Support Group

  • Practice Mindfulness

  • Maintain a Balanced Die

Each individual's experience with HIV and mental health is unique, so it's important to find what works best for you.

You Can Access Care for Both

Given that HIV and mental health problems have this “vice versa” relationship, it only makes sense that mental healthcare should be an integral part of any healthcare plan related to HIV, whether you’re positive or practicing prevention. Invest some time in receiving mental health counseling from a provider who’s sensitive to your identity, risk factors, and financial limitations and who is willing to help you without judgment or reservations. You can also arm yourself with this knowledge to take control of your own situation. You know that finding a healthy support system and treating yourself with kindness and patience isn’t just good practice; it’s integral to your health.

If you’re struggling with your mental health, there are accessible, compassionate, and competent professionals who are waiting to help you, including the providers at Central Outreach Wellness Center. If you’re not currently utilizing an HIV prevention plan, don’t wait -- start a daily regimen of PrEP, which can reduce your risk of HIV infection by 99%. 

Want to start enjoying your life worry-free? Get started with PrEP2Me, where we make staying safe easy and accessible for everyone!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does HIV affect mental health?

HIV can cause stress, anxiety, and depression due to the diagnosis and associated stigma. It can also lead to neurological complications, resulting in cognitive disorders and mood changes. For support and information on HIV prevention, visit PrEP2Me.

What are the psychotic symptoms of HIV?

Psychotic symptoms of advanced HIV or AIDS include hallucinations, delusions, mood swings, and disordered thinking. These symptoms may be related to HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) or opportunistic brain infections. 

What are HIV-associated psychiatric syndromes?

HIV-associated psychiatric syndromes encompass common mental health conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, cognitive disorders (e.g., dementia), and occasionally psychosis. These conditions can arise from the virus itself, living with a chronic illness, or side effects of antiretroviral medications. 

Why are people with HIV at a higher risk for mental health problems?

People with HIV may be more prone to mental health issues due to the stress of managing a chronic illness, dealing with societal stigma, and possible side effects of treatments. These stressors can exacerbate mental health conditions, underscoring the importance of comprehensive healthcare that includes mental health support for those living with HIV.