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For older members of the LGBTQ community, the HIV epidemic is more than a historical event. It’s a personal reality that has affected them and continues to affect their friends, families, and loved ones. Unfortunately, it's this same group of people for whom HIV prevention medication often falls by the wayside. We’re told that we’re no longer at risk, that we don’t need to worry about preventing HIV anymore.

The risk of getting HIV and other sexually transmitted infections does indeed go down with age, but that’s only because fewer old people are sexually active, and of those who are, most use condoms consistently. But here’s the thing: even if you’re over 50 and have never had an HIV infection, you can still get it.

At PrEP2Me, we're passionate about making sure everyone who is vulnerable to HIV infection has access to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). That’s why we prescribe PrEP online and send patients their PrEP medication directly to their door, anywhere in the country.

Taking PrEP is essential to prevent HIV and protect not only yourself but your sexual partner. Here are some important things for gay individuals over 50 to know about PrEP:

What is Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis?

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a medication that helps reduce the risk of acquiring HIV through sexual activity. PrEP consists of two medications, emtricitabine, and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, which are also utilized in certain HIV treatments.

PrEP medication is highly effective in minimizing the risk of HIV transmission. When taken daily, PrEP reduces the risk of contracting HIV by 99%. Regular lab tests are recommended to monitor the effectiveness of PrEP and ensure optimal protection against HIV.

How Do I Take PrEP Medication?

To ensure its effectiveness, PrEP medication typically requires consistent daily pill intake. However, it's important to note that alternative formulations are available that may be more suitable based on individual lifestyle and health requirements.

If you're wondering how to get PrEP or the cost associated with it, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized guidance. Additionally, for individuals who engage in injection drug use, alternative methods of PrEP delivery, such as injectable options, may be worth considering.

Remember, discussing your specific needs with a healthcare provider is crucial in determining the most appropriate form of PrEP medication and finding the best solution for you.

The Cost of PrEP and Oral PrEP

One common concern among individuals considering PrEP is the cost associated with the medication. Prescription drugs, in general, can be expensive, and many worry that PrEP may be out of their financial reach. However, it's essential to note that many health insurance plans cover PrEP, and patient assistance programs are also available that can help to cover the cost of this preventative medication.

Oral PrEP, the most standard form of this medication, is typically taken as a daily pill. This format is straightforward and simple to incorporate into most people's daily routines. Additionally, oral PrEP allows for flexibility, as it can be taken with or without food and at any time of the day that suits the individual. The cost of oral PrEP varies, but with the assistance of insurance or patient support programs, it can be made more affordable.

At PrEP2Me, we are committed to making PrEP affordable and accessible to all who need it. From facilitating online consultations to delivering the medication right to your doorstep, our goal is to remove the barriers to PrEP access. Remember, the cost of not protecting yourself can be far greater than the expense of the medication itself. Always consult with your healthcare professional to discuss your specific needs and find the best solution for you.

Why Do I Need PrEP Over 50?

In this section, we will delve into the importance of continuing PrEP as a crucial aspect of sexual health for older adults. These are the following reasons why  you need PrEP over 50:

Old People Have Sex

While society may associate specific risk behaviors that result in sexual transmission of HIV with a younger population, the truth is that people of all ages engage in sexual activity and, therefore, have a risk of getting an HIV infection.

Unfortunately, this misguided idea that people over 50 are sexless prevents many from getting the information, testing, and care they need to prevent HIV.

You Can Still Get HIV Over 50

There are a lot of myths out there about who can get HIV and how, but the fact is that you can get HIV at any age, no matter how often or how little you have sex. In fact, people over 50 still make up 17 percent of all HIV diagnoses in the United States.

The immune system declines with age, making it harder for your body to fight off HIV and other infections. That’s why it’s so important for people over 50 to get tested for HIV and to talk to their doctor about PrEP HIV prevention.

HIV is Harder on Older Bodies

While it’s true that advances in HIV treatment have made living with HIV much easier than it was in the early days of the HIV epidemic, it’s also true that HIV takes a greater toll on older bodies, and contracting HIV is a serious threat to your health above age 50.

Aging with HIV can lead to a number of serious health complications, including heart disease, kidney disease, and bone density loss. This makes HIV prevention extremely important for those over 50.

Your Partner May Be HIV Positive

Many HIV-positive individuals over 50 have been living with HIV for years and leading sexually active lives. This may not apply to you directly, but it could be relevant for someone you're interested in having sex with, especially for gay and bisexual men. Serodiscordant couples, where partners have different HIV statuses, may face unique challenges.

If you're HIV-negative and in a relationship with someone who is HIV-positive, there are HIV prevention options available, such as PrEP, that can help ensure worry-free sexual experiences. PrEP is also beneficial for individuals engaging in open relationships or having sex with multiple partners, including those with unknown HIV status. It's important to consider these options, especially for individuals involved in injection drug use.

It's Never Too Late to Start PrEP

There is a lot of conflicting information regarding the recommendation of PrEP for individuals over 50. However, it is a fact that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends starting PrEP for everyone at risk for HIV, including those over 50. It is important to note that most health insurance plans cover PrEP, making it affordable for many. Additionally, clinic visits are available to address any concerns about side effects or stigma. It is crucial to prioritize protection and stop HIV, especially for those at very high risk. PrEP is an important tool in public health efforts.

Get Your PrEP Prescription Online With PrEP2Me

No matter your age or life circumstances, the team at PrEP2Me can help you start a PrEP and protect yourself from HIV. We offer convenient virtual visits and prescription refills so you can get started without having to leave the comfort and safety of your home. Our packaging is also completely discreet, so your privacy is protected when you receive your prescribed PrEP.

Concerned about the prescription drug coverage provided by your health insurance? Don't be. At PrEP2Me, we'll help you access PrEP regardless of health insurance plans, even if you have no insurance at all.

Our process is simple, user-friendly, and comes with the virtual support of a real doctor who can answer all of your questions. To get started, just fill out our online form.

If you’re looking for compassionate, culturally competent, in-person healthcare providers in Western Pennsylvania or Ohio, please don’t hesitate to visit us at Central Outreach Wellness Center.

At PrEP2Me, we make the prevention of HIV and AIDS simple and accessible to all!